2024 Rome, Italy

I-76 Emmanuelle Comets
Conditional non-parametric bootstrap for non-linear mixed effect models
Wednesday 09:50-11:15
II-36 Corinna Maier
Quantifying the uncertainty: informative decision-support in individualised chemotherapy
Wednesday 15:10-16:40
III-14 Rik Schoemaker
Performance of the SAEM and FOCEI algorithms in the open-source non-linear mixed effect modelling tool nlmixr
Thursday 09:55-11:20
IV-29 Bill Gillespie
Torsten: Stan functions for pharmacometric applications. New functionality including within chain parallel computation.
Thursday 15:25-16:50
IV-88 Stephan Koehne-Voss
A comparison of relative exposure estimates from single trough, multiple trough, and full population PK sampling designs
Thursday 15:25-16:50